What I Learned Working in a Pizza Place

There is a science to making pizza. The best pizzas are carefully made. I had no idea there was a precise way to lay down the pepperoni before I worked there, but they’ve got this whole pizza making thing down to a science. I thought they just randomly threw it on there. Keep the sauce even, leave about half a centimetre of dough outside, put exactly the right about of cheese on the pizza, etc. etc.

Who doesn’t love pizza?!? I see all different kinds of customers – male, female, black, white, kids, adults. Everyone. Certain demographics tend to like different things – not racist, just a fact. For example, mennonite LOVE chocolate milk, and a million toppings on their pizza.

Cashiers are people too. If you’ve never been a cashier, you tend to not even think about your transaction critically. Once you’ve been one, you feel for them. Having to smile all the time, be nice, give you the right amount of change, find the right damn button on the register, just trying to get through their shift. You will consider their perspective because you know how it feels to be one.

Great things take time. Our pizza takes about 1 to 5 minutes to make (depending on how fast you are) and 10 minutes to go through the oven. The more time you spend going over the details – the right toppings, the right amount of time through the oven, the perfect amount of cheese, etc. the better your pizza will taste. This applies to everything in life – if you take your time and don’t rush through your job, it will be much better.

There is always room for improvement. You will constantly be trying to come up with new recipes, and discontinuing the unpopular ones, renaming items, etc. There is ALWAYS something to do there, always something to make better – clean the sauce off the floor, restock the pop fridge, clean the tables off, fold pizza boxes, clean and grease the pans. You can always find ways to make something better and more appealing.

Pizza is fattening as hell. Careful working in a pizza place or you might get carried away and gain weight!